Tuesday 17 April 2012

My Driving Class....


syukur Alhamdulillah.....
da lame rase x meng-update blog ni....da naik sawang kowt....hahaha...(it's not funny la...)...

nak citer ni.... skang ni Ina tgh berusaha sekuat yg mungkin, tgh struggle nak dptkan lesen kereta....waaa.....da tue baru nak amek lesen kereta.....

first time blaja kete tu best....tp lame2 rase cam bosan plak....Ina terus terang je la....Ina x ske bwk kereta.....Ina prefer bwk motor.....bole cilok mencilok...hahaha...
(jahat la kunun...)

betul bila bwk motor Ina rase selamat je...Tapi kalu bwk kereta rase cam......entah x tau nak describe camne......I don't understand that feeling....warrghhh..... It's killing me.....
x seronok!!!!!!!!!! seriously, Ina x suke....huhuhuhu (T_T).....

There is reason why I keep pegi kelas memandu tu.....Ina nak jalan2 g Kedah......By the end of May, one of my friend...my best friend, Zahra is getting married.....hihihi.....;D
congrats dear.....

I'll always pray for you..... Barakallahu khair.....
may Allah bless your new journey and gives you sweet, beautiful, obey and soleh/solehah mujahid/mujahidah.....
one more thing don't forget Ina mak angkat dorang nanti....:)

So that’s the reason why Ina struggle nak amek lesen kereta....huhu....

the most important thing, speacial thanks to cikgu Saiful, my driving teacher sbb tahan n sabar ajar Ina bwk kereta.....

fuuhhhhhh......malas la nak membebel lagi....nak stop dulu kat sini....oppsss one more thing Ina semakin mengembang bagai dipam-pam.....hahaha....... thanks for sudi singgah kat sini ye.....next time Ina update lagi....... 

Assalamualaikum....adios guys....peace yo ^_^ v